Mineral Rich Hydration
Helps with over 300 biochemical reactions, including converting food into cellular energy, nerve and muscle function, and blood pressure regulation.
Critical for a healthy immune system, keeps the heart beating steadily, and helps bones stay strong.
Yet, 8 out of 10 Americans are deficient in magnesium.
Crucial for maintaining proper fluid balance in the body.
Supports muscle contractions, nerve function.
Heart health: Helps maintain a regular heartbeat.
Low potassium levels can cause abnormal heart rhythms, heart palpitations, and even heart attack.
Yet, 9 out of 10 Americans are deficient in potassium.
Essential for building and maintaining strong bones and teeth, where 99% of the body's calcium is stored.
Nervous system: helps the brain communicate with other parts of the body.
Yet, 7 out of 10 Americans are deficient in calcium.
Our Mission
The world is overwhelmed with entertainment and short-term thinking, quick fixes and pseudo teachers.
WSDM is a reminder and an inspiration for people to think critically about their decisions and take accountability for all aspects of their lives, starting with their health, starting with what they put in their body and mind.
Organizations we give to in support of their missions.